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abnormal function造句

"abnormal function"是什么意思  
  • The key in the study of the functional meaning is to recognize the change of meaning in a context of abnormal function
  • Insulin resistance and abnormal function of vascular endothelium cell : is high blood free fatty acid play a key role
    胰岛素抵抗与血管内皮细胞功能异常- -高游离脂肪酸血症扮演了主要角色
  • Return to flowing esophagitis is the inflammation caused by the stomach , duodenum content thing returned to the esophagus , because of the abnormal function of the upper abdomen spleen and stomach
  • For any abnormal function of the collaboration portlet , first check that it has been configured correctly in the edit or configure mode , and ensure that all parameter values are correct
  • Mr leung explained that reportable occurrences under the mor system include incidents which involve damage to aircraft , injury to person ( including crew ) , failure of multiple aircraft systems or equipments , false fire warning and abnormal functioning of communication system
    梁汝强解释说,在强制事故报告制度下的需作报告事故,包括航机损坏、有人受伤(包括机组人员) 、多重飞机系统或仪器失灵、火警警报误鸣及通讯系统失常。
  • As for the internal structural functions , the malformed ownership structure of the listed companies lead to the abnormal function of board of shareholders , board of directors and board of supervisors . then because of the absence of the internal structural functions , the incentive and restrain mechanism become invalidated , the principal - agent problems become serious , and the agent cost is very high
  • It's difficult to see abnormal function in a sentence. 用abnormal function造句挺难的
如何用abnormal function造句,用abnormal function造句abnormal function in a sentence, 用abnormal function造句和abnormal function的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。